2020.6.28. 尤努斯社企世界年會in德國慕尼黑 募集推手助力台灣躍上國際 同慶超級快樂嘉年華! 【尤努斯博士專函邀請】
Dear friends, 我最親愛的朋友, New Year is getting closer. So is our Super HappYYness Festival. It will be in Munich, on June 26-29, 2020. Many of you are already planning to come. Each of you who is coming please remember that most of your friends will not be able to attend this celebration in Munich for one reason or other. We don’t want them to miss this global celebration. They should celebrate it wherever they wish to be on June 27-28. We can all celebrate together, thanks to communication and information technology! 新年快到了,我們的「超級快樂」慶祝,將會在2020年六月26日到29日於慕尼黑舉行。你們許多人已經開始計畫參加活動,但對於那些沒有辦法前往的朋友,我們不希望他們錯過這個全球盛會。得益於現在進步的通訊科技,我們大家可以於6月27日到28日在任何地方一起慶祝! They can join us in Munich and we can join them in their city, or neighborhood or village or any other location. All we have to do is to tell all our friends how to join us. This letter is to let you know how we plan to do it, so that you can share this letter with your friends everywhere to help them celebrate with us. Please write a letter to all your friends all over the world, in your office, your contacts in other offices, universities, schools, clubs, companies, neighborhoods, within your city, and way beyond your city, wherever they live now, attaching this letter which explains how to make it happen. 他們能夠加入我們在慕尼黑的活動,而我們也可以加入他們的城市、鄰里、村莊或其他地區所舉辦的活動。我們所要做的就是告訴所有朋友如何能加入我們。這封信將告訴你我們如何計畫,你可以與你在任何地方的朋友分享這封信,協助他們能夠與我們一同慶祝。請寫一封信件給你在全世界的朋友,不管他們是在辦公室、各大學學校、社團、企業或是任何他們住的地方,附上這封信來解釋如何完成這件事。 We are calling these celebrations away from Munich but in tune with Munich as “Super HappYYness Satellite Festivals”. 我們稱這些在慕尼黑以外地方的慶祝活動為「超級快樂嘉年華」。 Where can this be organized ? 我們可以在那些地方籌備這個活動呢? Anywhere and everywhere on the planet. It is a matter of just taking the initiative by one or more persons, and announcing a date, time and place. It can be in any location that the initiator decides. It can be at anybody’s home, a cafe, school, university, shop, office, park, sports club, shopping mall, book store, library, roadside, under a tree, beach, on a train, boat, wherever it is convenient for him/her and his/her friends, 地球上的任何地方,由一個或多個人主動舉辦,只要宣布日期、時間和地點就可以。超級快樂嘉年華活動可以位於主辦人決定的任何地方,可以在任何人的家中、咖啡館、學校、大學、商店、辦公室、公園、體育俱樂部、購物中心、書店、圖書館、路邊、樹下、海灘、火車、船上或是任何方便他和他的朋友參加的地方。 All you need to do is to make sure a minimum of five people assembles in one place for at least three hours on June 27 or 28, 2020, (making sure that it is June 28 in Munich), for a m to celebrate Super HappYYness Satellite Festival. Don’t forget to bring the children and the youths. Or encourage children and youth to hold their own satellite Festival. 你所要確定的是在2020年六月27日到28日的超級快樂嘉年華活動中,至少有五個人參加並且進行至少3個小時。(六月28日在慕尼黑)不要忘記帶孩子們和年輕人,或鼓勵兒童和青少年舉辦自己的超級快樂嘉年華。 You may designate one of the participants as the Grand Master of Festival to conduct the Festival. He/she can organize some discussion on Three Zeros, and formally announce the commitment of the gathering to three zeros .They’ll sign a commitment page of their own design, with signatures of all who are present and post it to Festival’s special page on socialbusinesspedia, or send it to the address [email protected]. 您可以指定一位參與者來主持節日,他可以組織有關三零任務的討論,並正式宣布聚會對三零任務的承諾。他們將在自己設計的承諾書上簽名並傳給台灣尤努斯基金會02-27132727; [email protected],將被張貼到social business pedia的嘉年華特別頁面上。 For holding children and youth Festival one of the youth may become the Grand Master of Festival and organize the whole event. You may guide them how to do it, in case they need any guidance. They can directly connect with the our Satellite Youth and children Festival contact address (Yunus Social Business Foundation. Taiwan) for all the information they need. 舉辦兒童與青年的嘉年華活動,其中一名青年可以成為嘉年華活動大使,並組織整個活動。如果他們需要任何指導,您可以指導他們如何做,也可以直接與我們連絡(台灣尤努斯基金會 02-27132727; [email protected]),以獲取所需的所有信息。 As soon as you decide to hold a Satellite Super HappYYness Festival please let us know who will be our contact person, how many you expect to gather, where you intend to gather. Send details of location of your satellite venue so that we can share it with others. We’ll advertise your location by posting your information on Super HappYYness Satellite Festival wall to let everybody know. Keep sending the names who are joining you, and pictures. This will let all our friends around the world know that you are getting ready for the Festival. 一旦您決定舉辦超級快樂嘉年華活動,請告知我們誰將成為聯繫窗口、您希望聚集多少人、在哪裡舉行,並發送您的場地位置詳細資訊給我們,以便我們與他人共享。我們會在Super HappYYness嘉年華活動的牆上張貼您的活動資訊,以宣傳您的位置讓大家知道。持續發送加入您活動的參加者姓名和照片。 這將使我們世界各地的所有朋友都知道您已準備好參加超級快樂歡慶活動。 All YSBCs may start planning to celebrate the Festival in a big way by organizing one central celebration in the university, and encouraging students to celebrate it in their departments, dorms, homes, clubs, cafes, sport fields wherever they find it convenient. Send your announcement and let your students send their announcements to us to put it up on the digital bulletin board. 各校的YSBC可以開始計劃組織一次慶典來大舉慶祝該節日,並鼓勵學生在方便的地方在其部門、宿舍、家庭、俱樂部、咖啡館、運動場中慶祝該節日。發送您的公告,然後讓您的學生將他們的公告發送給我們,以將其張貼在數位公告板上。 All Yunus organizations, their partners, friends can do the same. They may have a central Festival in the city they work in, and help other cities and rural locations to organize their own celebrations. They should start preparing from this moment and keep us informed. 所有Yunus組織及其夥伴朋友都能舉辦相同的活動,他們能夠舉辦一個超級快樂嘉年華活動在他們工作的城市,並幫助其他城市和農村地區組織自己的慶祝活動。他們應該從這一刻開始做準備,並及時通知我們。 Wherever you are organizing Super HappYYness Satellite Festival don’t forget to keep sending pictures and videos to Yunus Social Business Foundation Taiwan, so that we can continuously put them up in our live page for the whole world to see them as they come, and friends around the world can send you greetings. This will give us the feel of being members of the same global family getting ready to protect our home and make it better for all of us. 無論您在哪裡組織超級快樂嘉年華活動,都不要忘記向【台灣尤努斯基金會 02-27132727; [email protected]】發送圖片和視頻。這樣我們就可以將它們連續放置在我們的官網中,以便全世界看到它們的到來,世界各地的朋友都可以向您發送問候。這將使我們有成為一個全球大家庭成員的感覺,準備保護我們的家園並讓它變得更好。 If you expect more than 25 people in your gathering, design a programme for the event with speakers, topics, videos, slide shows, singers, dancers, messages, and discussions. Topics and theme of discussion will be how to make the world safe, how to achieve three zeros. 如果您希望聚會中有25人以上,請為該活動設計一個流程,包括發言人,主題、視頻、幻燈片、歌手、舞者、訊息和討論。討論的主題將是如何使世界更安全,如何實現三零任務。 We are hoping all major cities in the world will organize their own central celebrations, as well as celebrations in all neighborhoods in those cities. 我們希望世界上所有主要城市及這些城市所有的社區都能組織自己的慶典。 If you wish to add your city in the list, send your mail to us announcing it, so that we can let others in the network know . 如果您希望將您的城市添加到列表中,請向我們發送郵件通知,以便我們通知網絡中的其他人。 If you have any question or suggestions please write us as soon as possible. 如果您有任何疑問或建議,請盡快寫信給我們。 Have a great celebration of Super HappYYness Satellite Festival all over the world. 祝福全世界都有個很棒的超級快樂祭活動。 穆罕默德尤努斯博士 Prof. Muhammad Yunus |